Daily Read: COCOCOZY


I’ve read countless blogs over the last four years, but there are a few that I make a point to read daily, sometime multiple times a day.  The one that tops that list is COCOCOZY. She shares some amazing photos and her sense of humor is just captivating.  I like that she takes the time to actually “write” on her blog and does not rely solely on pictures.  Her content is original and consistent and she brings her readers into her world without revealing too much.  On my busy or lazy days, when I only have time to enjoy her pictures, I bookmark that page to revisit later and read the content.  My favorite is the p.s., p.p.s. and p.p.p.s., and I read them ALL. (Yes, it is that good).
In addition to writing a fabulous blog, she’s also managed to launch a stellar home line, exhibit at the New York International Gift Fair, all while keeping her day job and did I mention she gets invited to the most fabulous parties.  I don’t know how she finds the time to do all this…this woman is fierce.
She definitely inspires me to step my game up.  I look at my little etsy shop that I started in ’08 and think, you can and SHOULD go bigger. It is fitting that I get to feature her on this International Day of the Girl, because this is one girl that has inspired me and I’m sure numerous other girls that read her blog every day.  Check out her blog here.

What is your favorite blog?


  1. Lola,
    Thank you so much for the oh so nice post! It made my day! This is so very sweet. Thank you so much for reading the blog. I like yours a lot too...I'll continue to check in from time to time! Please let's stay in touch!

  2. I will have to go visit Cococozy. She sounds like a super woman. I have many blogs that I love. Most recently, I've been checking out a beautiful mess {http://www.abeautifulmess.com/}. For interior design, of course, decor8, 79 ideas {http://www.79ideas.org/} who was my fellow BYW student from 2010, and Stylizimo {http://blog.stylizimo.com/} who was my another fellow BYW student from 2010. They are amazing. I cannot believe you just started your blog! It is beautiful.


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